How to Start Gardening Groups Near Me

Reader Contribution by Jan Spencer
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by AdobeStock/Mathilde

How do community gardens work? If you’re wondering how to start gardening groups near me, read about this community’s attempt to build up connection and gardening in their community.

We are seeing a steep spike in interest nationwide in gardening. Where I live in Eugene, Ore., I am seeing new front yard gardens here and there in my neighborhood a mile northwest of downtown. The local business that makes compost and garden soil at an industrial scale has become a very busy place. Instead of driving right up to make an order, you have to wait for 6 or 8 vehicles in front of you in line. Meanwhile, vegetable seeds are hard to find in area stores.

Historically, gardens have been a wonderful feature for homes, but with so much disruption caused by the coronavirus this year, gardens are looking like a better idea than ever. Our neighborhood is already known in the area for its many gardens, but we want to see more.

Neighborhood Association Advocates Container Gardening

“We” is our neighborhood association. The River Road Community Organization (RRCO) is affiliated with the City of Eugene. There are 25 neighborhoods in Eugene. Our neighborhood has a website, a monthly e-newsletter and, in normal times, monthly meetings about important issues relating to the neighborhood. RRCO also has a positive history and standing in the neighborhood.

  • Updated on Dec 11, 2023
  • Originally Published on Jun 28, 2020
Tagged with: community building, environmental education, Jan Spencer, Oregon, permaculture, Reader Contributions
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