How to Attract Dragonflies to Your Property

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by AdobeStock/ittipol

Do dragonflies eat mosquitoes? Learn how to attract dragonflies to your yard without a pond or by creating a garden pond for naiads to grow.

In this episode of Mother Earth News and Friends, Kenny Coogan chats with Virginia Overstreet to understand more about dragonflies. For 300 million years, these remarkable flying hunters have been a part of our world. What makes them so important, and why do we want to encourage these insects to be a part of our property?


John Moore: [00:00:00] For 300 million years, dragonflies have been a part of our world. What makes these insects so important? And why do we want to encourage them to be a part of our property? In this episode, Kenny Coogan chats with Virginia Overstreet to understand more about these remarkable flying hunters. This is Mother Earth News.

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