Run a Diesel Vehicle on Vegetable Oil

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by John Hardesty

You can run a diesel vehicle on vegetable oil. Vegetable oil can power your vehicle, but the effects on the environment are still unclear.

This may sound strange, but you can run a diesel vehicle on vegetable oil and nearly eliminate your use of traditional gas or diesel. For certain people, veggie oil could lead to major savings. Called “veggie cars” or “grease cars,” these vehicles have fuel systems modified to burn both diesel fuel and straight vegetable oil. The idea is actually a modern twist on the original intention for the diesel engine.

But even proponents say veggie oil is not for everyone because of the extra work it requires. Nevertheless, there is a small, but growing, part of the population that’s passionate about using grease to make their cars go. These people are drawn to this alternative fuel because it saves them money, gives them more control of their transportation fuel needs, and makes a difference for the environment.

All this may sound too good to be true, and in some ways it is. Is it the most environmentally friendly alternative fuel? Should new vegetable oil or used grease be used? And here’s the real kicker: It’s technically illegal (see “Veggie Oil Vehicles and the Law,” below). So, before you start hoarding Wesson Oil, there are a few things you should consider.

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  • Updated on Apr 28, 2022
  • Originally Published on Dec 1, 2007
Tagged with: alternative fuel, diesel engines, Vegetable Oil Fuel, vehicles
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