
Survival Skills Course
1. Tree Felling 101
This workshop features the tools and techniques needed to safely and sustainably manage your woodlot. Traditional axemanship as well as modern felling, limbing, bucking, and skidding (both horse- and human-powered) are demonstrated in this workshop. Particular attention is given to chainsaw techniques to maximize efficiency and overcome tricky situations such as back-lean and hazard trees.
Brett McCleod
Brett McCleod Paul Smith's College
Survival Skills Course
2. Water Containers and Catching Rainwater
Follow along as Afrovivalist visits Green Concepts Containers to source vessels for storing water and explores different options for different needs. Then watch as she walks you through a basic home set-up for collecting your own rainwater.
Sharon Ross
Sharon Ross Afrovivalist
Survival Skills Course
3. Essential Camping Skills
Matt Stephens takes audiences on a journey from the farm into the backcountry in this workshop. A homesteader's way of life is all about developing skills, and adapting them to different situations can keep us alive. You might secure a tarp to cover the last of the winter's hay and then secure that same tarp to cover yourself overnight when your goats decide to take a vacation. What do you do when you run out of matches? Strike a fire! Matt Stephens leads this adventure that takes skills from the home into the forest.
Matt Stephens
Matt Stephens Stephens Family Farm
Survival Skills Course
4. Medical Supplies Made Easy
An often overlooked but important part of homesteading and self-sufficiency is dealing with injuries and accidents. Power tools, powerful animals, and using so much people power means such things are not unlikely nor uncommon. In this session, learn from a decade plus of a homesteading family's experience as to what supplies you should have on hand to help deal with common issues on the homestead.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A 26-minute video by John Moody. A PDF "handout" of the materials you will need to get started. 
John Moody
John Moody
Survival Skills Course
5. Emergency Preparation Ideas for Cold Weather Months
In this workshop, Kyle Ferlemann details how the importance of home remedies and tactics to ensuring your food security in times of need. He also describes how to best plan for cold weather and winter rules to live by.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A 36-minute video by Kyle Ferlemann. A PDF "handout" of the materials you will need to get started.
Kyle Ferlemann
Kyle Ferlemann
Survival Skills Course
6. Stocking Your "Bug Out" Vehicle
Learn how to have a vehicle that will ensure you're ready in case of an emergency or if you need to evacuate. Follow along with Afrovivalist as she walks you through her "bug out" vehicle and what to stock to be prepared to leave in a hurry.
Sharon Ross
Sharon Ross Afrovivalist
Survival Skills Course
7. Why Eating Wilder Matters (and How to Start Doing It!)
It isn’t a big leap to say that most people’s diets today are not as healthy as those of our ancestors.Most of us aren’t going to wake up tomorrow ready to become hunter-gatherers, but there are a lot of ways we can incorporate wild foods and medicines into our diets in little ways that can make a big difference in our bodies, in our psyches, and in our sense of connection to the world around us. Learning how to harvest and make use of a few wild foods will help you weather the storms of global crisis with more confidence and a positive step toward building a healthier, more resilient, wilder life.After all: You are what you eat!
Woniya Dawn Thibeault
Woniya Dawn Thibeault Buckskin Revolution