Sustainable Building Essentials Course Guidance on Natural Building Techniques and Maximizing Your Property's Unique Qualities
  • 4 videos


Sustainable Building Essentials Course
1. Introduction to Designing and Building with Straw Bales
Energy efficient homes made from carbon sequestering materials like straw are beautiful, fire resistant, and can help us live more sustainably. This workshop offers an overview of how straw bale structures are designed and built. Presentation includes a discussion of reasons to build with straw bales, trade-offs, design details that explain different construction techniques, and structural design considerations. Participants will gain a better understanding of the building science behind what makes these beautiful structures comfortable and durable. Since the walls are the only thing that sets a straw bale building apart from other forms of construction, this presentation will take viewers through the steps of building straw bale walls, running electrical and plumbing in the walls, preparing the walls for plaster, and plastering them. Much of the source material is drawn from the California Straw Building Association’s (CASBA) book Straw Bale Building Details: An Illustrated Guide for Design and Construction, and many beautiful straw bale buildings in California and Oregon.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A 30-minute video by Jim Reiland. A downloadable PDF "handout" to help get you started.
Fair Speakers
Fair Speakers
Sustainable Building Essentials Course
2. Introduction to Building with Light Straw Clay (LSC)
In this virtual workshop we cover the basics of what Light Straw Clay construction is, it's applications, and the various wall systems it is compatible with. We also cover small scale to large scale methods and when and where it is most appropriate to use.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A 26-minute video by Lydia Doleman.
Lydia Doleman
Lydia Doleman Flying Hammer Productions
Sustainable Building Essentials Course
3. Is Rainwater Safe?
Thinking of harvesting rainwater? Worried about avoiding health hazards and other safety risks?Be the first in your city...state...or bioregion... to design and build Rainwater Harvesting Systems using leading-edge, safe, chemical-free methods. You’ll find them only in Rob's groundbreaking full course.Rainwater Collection SafetyAlthough demand for rainwater use has increased in North America, debates continue about its safety. On one hand, North American regulators and some technical associations suggest or require that rainwater be sterilized or chlorinated before its use in the home. (The considerable cost and complexity creates an increased barrier to the widespread adoption of home-scale rainwater capture and use. )On the other hand, and on the other side of the world, more than 3 million Australians use rainwater for drinking, and 6. 3 million use rainwater for some other household use. (Few of these systems use end-of-line sterilization or disinfection, and there have been no epidemics from rainwater use in Australia. ) In this presentation, Rob Avis talks about this dichotomy, and summarizes the best practices for rainwater-harvesting system design derived from a large body of independent research. He also explains why good design and sensible maintenance practices can deliver drinking-quality water, without the need for sterilization or disinfection.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A 34-minute video by Rob Avis 
Rob and Michelle Avis
Rob and Michelle Avis Verge Permaculture, Adaptive Habitat
Sustainable Building Essentials Course
4. Carbon-Free Infrastructure and Construction
Chris constructed the first permitted straw bale house in Ontario in 1996. He has authored seven books on sustainable building, including the well loved Essential Sustainable Home Design, and he contributed a chapter to The New Carbon Architecture. Chris is also founder of The Endeavour Centre, where he teaches Sustainable Building & Design.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A two-part presentation by Chris Magwood 
Chris Magwood
Chris Magwood Endeavor Centre