Harvesting, Processing, and Freezing Garlic-Scape Pesto

Reader Contribution by Blythe Pelham
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A couple of weeks ago a friend called and asked what I do with my garlic scapes. She remembered that I make my garlicky sourdough bread with it and was planning ahead.

May and early June are the perfect time to harvest garlic scape around central Ohio—your area may differ. What you’re looking for are the young and tender curled tops. If a few are older and larger, simply snip off the developing head (as shown in the photo above), they’ll process in with the rest just fine.

Once you’ve snipped to your heart’s content, you’ll want to rinse off your bounty in fresh water. I usually swoosh them around a bit, then drain. However, you may want to inspect more fully since birds tend to like using these sturdy curls as perches. Give your strainer a couple of shakes and drain well.

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