Wild Medicinal Plants to Forage

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Is garlic mustard a weed or an herb? What are chicory health benefits? You know fennel benefits savory dishes, but can you also use it as medicine? Forage for wild medicinal plants to add to your home kitchen and apothecary.

In Episode 191 of MOTHER EARTH NEWS and Friends, Bevin Cohen of Small House Farm highlights some herbs you can forage or cultivate around your area and incorporate into numerous dishes and products to enjoy. The world is full of aromatic, flavorful, medicinal, and powerful herbs, and we’re taking a whole podcast episode to celebrate just a few of them!

Scroll down for our episode transcript, and scroll to the bottom for our guest bio and show-note resources!


  • Updated on Jun 22, 2023
  • Originally Published on Jun 21, 2023
Tagged with: Bevin Cohen, chicory, cooking, fennel, foraging, garden, garlic, herbs, medicine, mustard, ornamental, plants, podcast, Small House Farm, transcript
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