Alpaca Farming for Fun and Profit

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Alpaca farming is growing in popularity in the USA. Chances are, you have folks in your state raising these cool looking mammals that are part of the camelid family. When alpacas were domesticated over a thousand years ago in Peru, who knew they would become a common farm animal throughout the world? It may surprise you to learn that alpacas are no longer found in the wild, unlike their cousins the Guanacos and vicuña who still roam areas of South America.
llamas are often confused with alpacas. On the website, they say, “While closely related, llamas and alpacas are very different animals.” Alpacas are smaller than llamas and are mostly raised for their luxurious fleece that is comfortable in various weather conditions. Llamas are much larger than alpacas and can reach over 400 pounds while alpacas are typically less than 200 pounds.

Brown one whit one alpacas

Reasons for Choosing Alpacas

Whether you want to join in alpaca farming for fun or profit or just want a pet, alpacas come with a variety of reasons to own them. Some owners seek to raise the best “show alpacas” and a top-quality alpaca can fetch well over $10,000. Another reason for buying an alpaca is they make good pets and don’t require a lot of care or land.

  • Published on May 5, 2023
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