How to Start an Agritourism Business to Diversify Farm Income

Interview with Matt Stephens, author of "Adventures in Agritourism: A Manual for Diversifying Your Farm Income."

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Alejandro -

Are you making an agritourism business plan? Learn how to start an agritourism business to diversify your farm income with added-value products and experiences.

In this episode of Mother Earth News and Friends, we’re talking agritourism with Matt Stephens. Matt has been a guest on our podcast before and has written articles and spoken at our MOTHER EARTH NEWS Fairs numerous times. This year, MOTHER EARTH NEWS is proud to be publishing his new book, Adventures in Agritourism! To celebrate that, podcast team member Kenny Coogan chats with Matt about his book and how anyone can follow their dreams to create a viable agritourism business.

Podcast Transcript: How to Start an Agritourism Business

Kenny Coogan: Good day everyone, and we appreciate you for joining us on another exciting Mother Earth News and Friends podcast. I am Kenny Coogan, and today we are accompanied by Matt Stephens. We are going to learn about diversifying your farm and hobby farms [00:01:00] income. Matt Stephens is the author of the new book, “Adventures in Agritourism: A Manual for Diversifying Your Farm Income.”

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