Invasive Species Laws: Why Are Non-Native Species Dangerous to Ecosystems?

Why are invasive species a problem? These non-native plants are threatening our natural ecosystems in the United States.

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by Adobestock/ElenaEmiliya
'Bradford' pear.

Why are non-native species dangerous to ecosystems? Imported to bring visual interest to our ornamental landscapes, these non-native plants have been wreaking havoc on our natural ecosystems. Recent invasive species laws passed by several U.S. states are attempting to halt their spread.

field covered in flowering pear shrubs

Environmental advocates who blame invasive species for disrupting native ecosystems can take heart in new invasive species laws in the United States. A Delaware law, which took effect July 1, 2022, bans the import, export, sale, transport, distribution, and propagation of 37 non-native invasive species, and puts other potential invasives on a watch list. But why are invasive species a problem?

Research is showing Delaware is losing many native species of plants, insects, fish, reptiles, and birds. “An Ecological Extinction Task Force identified the causes of this decline as habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, climate change, and the presence of invasive species,” Sen. Stephanie Hansen told Delaware General Assembly colleagues when she presented the bill in 2021. “Research by the U.S. Forest Service and the University of Delaware has found that almost 60% of the plants in our small, forested areas are invasive species that have escaped from nearby yards and landscapes.”

The Delaware legislation passed unanimously. It defines a non-native invasive plant as “any living part, cultivar, variety, species, or subspecies not native to Delaware,” identified by the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture as having the potential for widespread dispersal and establishment, out-competing other species in the same area, exhibiting rapid growth or spread, and becoming established in the state’s natural areas.

  • Updated on Oct 4, 2022
  • Originally Published on Aug 24, 2022
Tagged with: environmental laws, invasive plants, invasive species, invasive species laws, non-native species
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