How to Cook Corn Off the Cob

Learn how to cook corn off the cob and incorporate it into a variety of meals, like with this corn pancakes recipe, corn chowder and more.

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by Adobestock/yakovlevadaria
Fresh corn on the cob should be kept cool on the ride home from the market or farm stand.

Learn how to cook corn off the cob and incorporate it into a variety of meals, like with this corn pancakes recipe, corn chowder and more.

When I dream about corn on the cob in mid-February, I think about sitting around a checkered, oil-cloth–draped picnic table with my family, chomping away on steamin’ ears of corn. With butter dribbling down our chins, we often took 10 minutes to eat a row of corn typewriter-style from one end of the ear to the other. Personality traits manifested themselves in our individual cob-crunching styles: I ate every kernel in each row before moving on to the next; my brothers inhaled their corn at record-breaking speeds, racing to see whose cob pile would become the highest; and my sister munched on her corn haphazardly, leaving large gaps here and there.

A fight would inevitably break out over who’d get to use the last remaining plastic corn-holders, and someone always ended up getting stabbed in the struggle (usually the younger and weaker siblings). Other than that, however, corn consumption was quite pleasurable, as most of you can attest to. And let’s face it, who can get all nostalgic when it comes to eggplant or brussels sprouts? Those are childhood memories best forgotten.

Selecting the Perfect Ear of Corn

Corn is a high carbohydrate vegetable. The ear itself is actually a grain, while the plant is classified as a grass. One ear of corn is only 70 calories, is high in fiber and a source of vitamins C and A (in yellow corn only). There are over 200 varieties of sweet corn to choose from, ranging in color from yellow to white to a mixture of both.

  • Updated on Jul 19, 2023
  • Originally Published on Aug 1, 1993
Tagged with: corn, corn pancakes, corn recipe, harvest
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