How to Build a Biogas Digester

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Learn how to build a biogas digester using intermediate bulk containers (IBC) for home use is easy and often can be built within an hour once you’ve assembled the tools and materials.

Biogas digester construction using intermediate bulk containers (IBC) for home use is easy and often can be built within an hour once you’ve assembled the tools and materials. All except the “uniseal” gaskets and bulkhead fittings can usually be sourced locally. Benefits of having a biogas digester include creating your own renewable fuel and fertilizer. Both are produced by biological “waste” from the homestead.

“Waste or pollution can be considered the right thing at the wrong place at the wrong time and/or in the wrong concentration,” Dr. T.H. Culhane says. By using our kitchen scraps and food “waste” and to a lesser extent animal excrement we can harness these organic residuals into something useful.

Dr. Culhane is an Associate Professor at the Patel College of Global Sustainability at the University of South Florida. In addition to being the Director of the Climate Mitigation and Adaptation concentration for the university, he is a co-founding director of the not-for-profit educational corporation “Solar CITIES Inc.” The organization helps community stakeholders solve urban ecology and development issues surrounding waste-water, solid waste, food security and create decentralized clean energy production.

“Solar energy is stored in the chemical bonds that photosynthesis has captured and stored,” Dr. Culhane explains. “We call those compounds “food” when we eat them, but there are other things that we don’t eat – but that microbes can eat. They will eat food waste, and animal and human waste.”

  • Published on Feb 9, 2023
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