How to Burn Beeswax Candles Properly

Follow these simple tips for how to burn beeswax candles properly so that they last longer.

Reader Contribution by Aimee Cebulski
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by AdobeStock/New Africa

Follow these simple tips for how to burn beeswax candles properly so that they last longer.

Beeswax candles are a great choice for people wanting an all-natural, non-toxic product to help create a calming, peaceful home environment. These candles burn brighter, hotter, cleaner, and longer than any other wax. As beeswax candles burn they produce negative ions that clean the air of odors, pollens, smoke, dust, dust mites and allergens, which makes them extremely popular with anyone looking to increase their overall respiratory health and sleep better.

Because beeswax is quite different from traditional petroleum-based candles, there are a few key tips to maximize your enjoyment and candle burn time.

How to Burn Beeswax Candles

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