How to Naturally Increase Fertility in Women

Here are some tips to help women increase their fertility and conceive a healthy baby.

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by Pexels/Nataliya Vaitkevich

Giving your baby the best chance is more than taking prenatal vitamins. Try these herbal tips for how to naturally increase fertility for a healthy pregnancy.

Our models in nature contrast sharply with the way we currently live our lives. In nature, you must have roots before branches. The tree focuses on healthy roots before anything else. If transplanted, it might drop its leaves to put energy into first building healthy roots. It certainly would never focus energy to produce fruit unless all was right within itself.

Reproduction is an important function in the plant world, but if a plant is imbalanced you might see it die all the way back to the roots, store its energy and try again next year when it is healthy. We are acting contrary to our teachers in nature when we try to not just create branches but produce fruit before our roots are strong and our trunk is whole. We need to take care of ourselves first before we can properly nurture someone else.

When you discover that you are struggling to have a baby, minutes start to matter. With such a busy life, it can feel as though there just isn’t enough time to slow down and fix your own issues, whether mental or physical. Many women pack these imbalances up in a box and set them aside so they won’t interfere with the more important goal at hand. Unfortunately, our bodies don’t operate that way. We cannot compartmentalize dysfunction because we are complex systems. We must be whole and balanced in order to foster a new life that is whole and balanced. Some women may be able to conceive despite imbalance, but why be in such a rush? It is important to know how safe the many allopathic medications one might take while building a baby are, but quite honestly, this becomes a non-issue if we slow down and heal our imbalances before we try to conceive.

As a child I learned a song about a wise man and a foolish man. The foolish man built his house upon the sand and it washed away during a rainstorm. The wise man built his house upon the rock and his house withstood the storm. What a great metaphor for how to build a new life. Build your baby’s foundation on the solid bedrock of your fully nourished and healthy body. It is much more complex than the difference between being foolish and wise. No woman wishes to provide a shaky foundation for her child, and it doesn’t happen because she is foolish. We are building shaky foundations because our culture is not properly supporting us to create solid ones.

  • Updated on Nov 16, 2022
  • Originally Published on Feb 11, 2015
Tagged with: Dawn Combs, fertility, herbalism, pregnancy
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