Using Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems in Schools

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In “Asphalts to Ecosystems,” author Sharon Gamson Danks explores the ways schoolyards are being transformed into energy-efficient educational facilities.
In “Asphalts to Ecosystems,” author Sharon Gamson Danks explores the ways schoolyards are being transformed into energy-efficient educational facilities.
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This diagram shows how the energy efficient, geothermal heating and cooling system at the Östratorn School in Sweden operates.
This diagram shows how the energy efficient, geothermal heating and cooling system at the Östratorn School in Sweden operates.
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The turban-topped towers on the roof of Östratorn School rotate in the wind, creating low pressure in the building’s ducts that draws air through the building, providing heating and cooling.
The turban-topped towers on the roof of Östratorn School rotate in the wind, creating low pressure in the building’s ducts that draws air through the building, providing heating and cooling.

In Asphalt to Ecosystems (New Village Press, 2014), author Sharon Gamson Danks shares some of her knowledge about increasing the use of renewable energy in schools around the United States and around the world. Her methods are not only energy efficient, but they serve to educate the children within the schools as well. This excerpt, which centers on geothermal heating and cooling systems inside of schools, is from Chapter 6, “School Energy Systems.”

Buy this book from the MOTHER EARTH NEWS store: Asphalt to Ecosystems.

Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems in Schools

Some school buildings are designed to take advantage of geothermal energy. The temperature of the earth, deep in the ground, remains fairly constant throughout the year even when the air temperature experiences wide fluctuations from winter to summer. This constant ground temperature varies by latitude but is generally between 45 degrees f—75 degrees f at a depth of six feet. Geothermal heating and cooling systems are designed to take advantage of this thermal constant by pumping air or water into the ground to be heated or cooled to the earth’s stable temperature. Once the ground warms or cools the circulating air or water, it takes very little extra energy to bring it to the desired temperature for a comfortable building. The conditioned air or water may then be used in radiant heating or cooling systems embedded in the building’s floors, or as part of the building’s HVAC (climate control) systems. Geothermal climate control systems make buildings more comfortable and may save their schools a substantial amount of energy as compared to conventional heating and cooling options. These systems have reasonably short payback periods, generally take up less room in the school than conventional heating and cooling equipment, and run quietly.

Twenhofel Middle School in Independence, Kentucky, has a geothermal heating and cooling system that uses only half the energy of a typical climate control system. Each classroom can adjust its own temperature independently to maximize comfort. The building includes a “truth window” in the science lab’s ceiling so students can see the climate control system’s ducts and other utilities.

  • Published on Oct 17, 2014
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